
We've got a lot going on. Come join us.......

Sat,. April 5th | 4-6pm

Chicken & Biscuit Dinner

Semi-annual fundraiser.   Pre-Order & Take-out only from 4-6pm. Tickets  $15 each. Cynthia Meadow’s residents dinner cost is $14 with 5pm delivery available.  Includes- Chicken w/ freshly handmade biscuits, gravy, coleslaw & mashed potato. Mixed veggie, cranberry sauce & dinner roll. Dessert. Call or text Amy at 838-333-9123 to reserve your dinners or (payment due a dinner pick-up)

Sun., April 13th | 9:15am

Palm Sunday Worship Service & Brunch

Join us to mark the beginning of Holy Week at our Palm Sunday service. Brunch held immediately after.  Brunch sponsored by the Sunday School.

Thurs., April 17th | 6:30pm

A Place at the Table

maundy thursday, supper, last supper, eucharist, christianity, wine, loaf, jesus, apostle, passover, holy week, maundy thursday, last supper, last supper, last supper, last supper, last supper

Last Supper meal and presentation. 6:30pm in the fellowship room. Reservations preferred.

Sun., April 20th | 9:15am

Easter Sunday Services

Join us to celebrate Easter and the Resurrection with an uplifting worship service and beautiful music.

Thurs., July 17th | 6:30pm

Washington County Band - Community Concert

Free evening, outdoor concert on the Green at the Bottskill Baptist Church.

Ongoing - First Saturday of the Month. | 9:00am

Men's Group

Join our men’s group for coffee and conversation once a month.

Chicken & Biscuit Dinner Promo Videos

Past events....

Sun., Feb. 23rd, 2025 | 9:15am

Cookie Bake & Card Make

The Sunday School will participate in their annual Valentine’s Day Cookie Bake & Card Bake. Cookies and cards made by the kids are given to congregation members, those who are sick or shut-in.

Tue., March 4th, 2025 | 5:30pm

Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner

Mouthwatering pancakes with strawberries, nuts, and syrup on a plate.

Bottskill Church congregation pancake dinner to celebrate Fat Tuesday.